production of rolled pipes made of stainless steel grades

___Здравствуйте уважаемые читатели моего информационного портала «Продавать-Много.РФ».
___Good day colleagues!
___My name is Alexey, I wish to contribute to the development of your wonderful metallurgical production of rolled and pipes made of stainless steel grades. I am sure that the goods has a lot of competitive advantages in the market, the most important of wich is the eternity of its operation. Let it be a little more expensive than a black pipe, but I installed it once and forgot about it. 
___It remains only to solve the issue with pipeline fittings, to choose such valves, taps, plugs, control valves — which will withstand the impact of the aggressiveness in the pumped media. They most often fail, so they require regular replacement. Today, many trading companies have appeared on the market that are engaged in the purchase and sale of high-pressure pipe fittings. And there is an acute shortage of it, so prices are constantly rising (each intermediary winds from ten to twenty percent of the cost).
___I started my career at the Volzsky Pipe Plant, in the pipe press workshop, where pipes from high-alloy steel grades are produced. I was entered the postgraduate course of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, defended his dissertation in Metalworking by Pressure. I worked at the Red October Metallurgical Plant, casting ingots for forging and rolling, from that’s alloys in wich the content of alloying elements is more than fifty percent. I worked as the head of the foundry. I designed, built and put into operation the foundry section with induction furnaces. I achieved success in sales and negotiations within the banking sector, where my had to deal a lot with companies in the engineering industry.
___I propose to master the production of pipe fittings made entirely of stainless steel grades. It will be intrinsically safe and durable. This will significantly increase sales of hot-pressed or cold-rolled, high-alloy pipes in all world markets.
___Thank you for your attention.
___The electric drive is pulsed amv 25 danfoss — very good mechanism…
___Уважаемые читатели!!! Уверен, что эта интересная информация будет очень полезна для Вас, предостерегая от множества проблем в повседневной жизни и на работе. В знак благодарности, прошу поддержать скромного автора незначительной суммой денег.
___Конечно, Вы можете этого и не делать. В то же время подмечено, что в жизни есть баланс. Если сделать кому-то добро, то оно вернётся к Вам через определённое время в несколько большем количестве. А если причинить человеку зло, то оно возвращается очень скоро и значительно страшнее.
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